1) Air Purifiers & Scrubbers – The hotel’s HVAC systems have new, up to code, filters. We are planning on renting an air filtration system again this year. There will be at least one in each public room of the event. Larger spaces will have several.
Masks will also be available at several locations throughout the event. There will be both cloth masks and disposable masks. Please feel free to mask up!
2) We will be collecting Pewter. Have any unwanted site tokens or other pewter items? Consider donating it to be recast into future Birka site tokens.
3) Have a scroll case that you don’t know what to do with? We’ll be collecting them at Birka to be given to the Heralds who will then give them to new scroll recipients to be able to safely carry they beautiful scroll home.
4) Birka will have Gold Key! What is Gold Key? A place you can borrow garb, at no cost to you, for the day. It will be located in Webster, which is next to Gate.
5) The Changing Rooms have moved! They are now located in the room with Gold Key. There are racks for coats and other garments. As usual, this is open to anyone so leave items at your own risk.
6) Royal Court on Saturday evening will be Microphone assisted. Where there is some concern regarding the removal of the medieval atmosphere, we’d like folks to be able to hear who is called into Court and what is said so that we can celebrate all.
7) Food – The Hotel will be offering several food options during the event. There will be a buffet dinner available on Friday night. The Current Restaurant will offer breakfast (7am – 11am) on Saturday. The Daily Brew will be open for breakfast and lunch both Saturday and Sunday. There will be sandwiches, drinks and snacks available on Saturday. Additional information coming soon.
The hotel bar in the lobby will be open both evenings from 4pm – 11pm, and the bar outside the Ballroom will be open on Saturday from 5pm – 11pm.
8) Parking Validation is now $8 for those day tripping and $15 overnight for those with a hotel reservation. Your ticket can be validated on site.
9) General volunteers needed! Birka Cannot run without you. If you are looking for a way to pitch in, let us know! We can always use help for Marshals, MOL, Gate, and Security. We also need help with set-up on Friday and take-down on Sunday. Click here to Volunteer
If you have other questions, please feel free to reach out to us at eventsteward@birka.eastkingdom.org