Masks are not required but we will have fresh masks and hand sanitizer available for the “Birkastan” Birka 2025 Middle Eastern Dance Room.

Teachers and Performers: you must bring musicians or your music on a device that has Bluetooth (Please test ahead of time—you may have to take your phone out of its case). And a reminder to all, please only video (and tag on social media) those you have permission to.

Friday Jan. 24 in “Birkastan“ (Pierce) 

Casual Hafla 8:30-10:30 pm 
Recorded music but musicians are welcome to sit in. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in the open dance!

Saturday, Jan. 25 in “Birkastan“ (Pierce)

11-11:45am CLASS (45 min) Debke Means Stomp! with Lady Erzulie.
Come learn the basic rhythm and steps to this unisex Levantine folk dance from the Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian, and Syrian communities that we can then dance at the the Saturday Night Birkastan Halfa!

12-12:45pm CLASS (45 min) Beyond 8’s Drum class with Rich and Penny: 
Would you like to learn to drum the rhythms that are beyond 8? 9/8, 10/8 and if time permits 28/8. Come join us as we explore Karsilama, Gypsy (Rom) 9, and Samai while we learn the songs they best fit. And, if we have enough time, we can explore Daveed’s 28/8.

1–1:45pm CLASS (45 min) Skirt work with Kalilia
Please bring a 25 yard skirt for this class for best ability with moves

2–3 pm: (60 min)  Middle Eastern Dance Performances 

3:15-4 pm CLASS (45 min) Gameify Your Dance with Zabel
Let’s get playful with your dance! Discover how to develop and play dance games as a fun, stress free way to move beyond dance blocks in your practice. We will play some of my favorite games, and learn how to utilize them in your personal dance practice, building choreography and improvisational performance. 

4:15-5 pm CLASS (45 min) Power Poses in Indian Dance with Mistress Lakshmi
Common gestures, postures, facial expressions, etc, that go with various power moves and powerful people. Also some very cool powerful goddess iconography – so let’s take a look at that. No prior experience needed, can be done seated or standing

Live Music Hafla 8:30–10:30pm
We will start the event with a set led by Rich Parker on dulcimer and Hagop Garabedian of The Athenian Corner Ensemble on accordion after which all musicians are welcome to sit in.

Donations requested for Hagop’s music services — suggested $5 to $20 range.

Musicians are welcome to sit in. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in the open dance! 

Song list available at